
Friendly Visiting

We offer clients the opportunity to arrange regular in-person visits and telephone check-ins from our volunteers.

Whether a client wants a simple weekly phone call, a person to stop by to share a pot of tea, or a companion to join them for a regular walk or game of cards, we aim to match our clients and volunteers based on goals, shared interests and personalities.

A representative from Muskoka Seniors attends each initial in-person visit between a client and volunteer. While there is no obligation to maintain the relationship, many of these connections have developed into meaningful friendships between clients and volunteers.

Security and Reassurance

It is important, especially when one lives alone, to have a connection to assure safety. With the assistance of our volunteer callers, we can provide this β€˜wellness check’.
In the event a client is not reached, our office will call their emergency contact so they can follow up. 

Our services are provided free of charge through our visiting volunteers. The intention of this program is socialization and friendship.

* Please note: This program does not provide homemaking, healthcare or respite services.


Email Angela Barager
Friendly Visiting Coordinator